~ Still Alive ~

Monday, June 30, 2008

New post, finally, on my blog, link on your right =D Pictures on flickr too.

And She Hui, I miss you too!

>> natsyka << posted at 2:44 PM

~ Missing Genting's cool weather ~

Saturday, June 28, 2008

I updated my blog with pictures from my Genting trip. Super poor now cos half of my pay will be used to repay my sister fer the trip's expenses. x.x


.... And I miss Jing Chuan. T___T

>> sheshe << posted at 1:03 PM

~ C'est la vie ~

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Experiencing how another culture lives is very indicative of the differences between the East and the West. History has long taught us Asians the value of hard work, and apparently it has persisted until now. There are so many things wrong with the system. Yet, none is perfect. In every society, there will be flaws.

Here, with a 35 hour work week, the teachers tell us that Asians work a lot harder. But do they know how to play?

Xian, not getting a second major won't kill your chances. No one really cares at the end what it says on your transcript. It may feel like it now, but there are many more people, even back home, for whom school ends much earlier.

There are many paths to the end. The problem is that we're not taught to be creative and find our own ways.

P.S. Hope everything's fine with everyone else.
P.P.S. Email me your address if you want a postcard btw, it'll probably reach you after I arrive back, but nvm =D

>> natsyka << posted at 1:35 AM

~ to xian-er ~

sometimes i feel that society can't help the way it is progressing. Given the limited amt of time pple have to interact with each other, the most convenient way to 'assess' one is through academic results. good results imply a good brain and willingness to work hard. and it is only natural that these pple are given the 'chances'.

but things are not as bleak as it seems. actually, your problem is small. the second major thing, i mean. being in uni is already an advantage that many others do not have. how others look at you is only as important as you allow it to be. what value 'society' tags to you only becomes valid if you allow it to be. you are who you are, not what society thinks you are, or what chances/opportunities you are given.

in light of the all these natural disasters, of the bigger picture of life and death, i feel that academic/social standing, albeit important, should take a backseat in our hearts. if only we allow it to.

look in the mirror and give yourself a huge grin! society is giving us enough pressure as it is. don't help it by giving ourselves more.

>> rebekah << posted at 12:03 AM

~ the news article - 13岁女生因过度劳累中风 ~

Friday, June 20, 2008

据中新社电 台南市一名13岁初一女生,在校突然左半身瘫软,医生检查后发现其右脑血管栓塞,可能因课业压力过大,长期过劳引发。

   台湾奇美医院神经内科主任柯德鑫表示,这是自己遇到的最年轻的中风病例。目前,中风年龄层有下降趋势,但13岁就中风还很少见。通常来说,年轻的中风患 者有的是因为基因异常、凝血功能有问题;有的是因为血管先天性狭窄、畸形,但这名初中女生经检查未发现任何异常,唯一可能的因素是学业压力过大、长期过劳 引起中风。


   柯德鑫表示,现代人竞争激烈,易有过劳情况,长期的压力、超时读书或工作,再加上熬夜,会让身体脱水,使血液浓稠,容易发生梗塞。同时,为了应付熬夜, 身体会分泌压力激素,并带动血压上升,从而引发中风。他说,人体机能会对过劳发出警讯,只是人们经常忽略这些征兆,如记忆力减退、注意力无法集中、经常头 痛等,工作压力大的人如发现存在以上症状,一定要引起警觉,多注意血压、血糖及血脂,才能避免因过劳中风。

Copied from http://news.idoican.com.cn/daqwb/html/2008-06/19/content_6836202.htm

>> xianxian << posted at 5:08 PM

~ Some thoughts (copy from my blog) ~

This thought occurred to me that day when i was chatting with quan min. I was bitching the unfairness of the 2nd major thingy. It finally penetrated my slow mind that the second major thing is not possible for me. The email is for pple to drop the 2nd major.

I feel like my worthiness is actually determined by our academic achievement. The moment you fail in one of the stages of your academic life, you seem to lose all the chances and opportunities that might help you to improve. All the efforts in the world is concentrated in the so called elites. Opportunities are not available for you.

It seems to suggest that you has lost value to the society. Like you are not capable of contributing anything significant to the society.

The news ytd (晚报) that had the most impact on me is about this 13 year old that suffered a stroke.
In taiwan, this 13 year old suffered a stroke in the classroom. The doctor diagnosis was that the student was to stress out and it caused the clot to form in the brain....

What are we doing? What kind of society are we progressing towards?

>> xianxian << posted at 4:35 PM

~ appreciation ~

sometimes i feel like im feeding a bunch of ingrateful brats.

>> Anonymous << posted at 12:36 AM

~ On Betrayal and Childishness: ~

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

my dearest ladies,

here's a post about my brother, who recently got embroiled in CCA politics, which I personally deem as seriously unnecessary- a necessary "mountain out of molehill" matter. XD

I wouldn't really go much into the details, because I respect the privacy of his and his other "friends" and "fiends", what you call it, seriously don't matter. All I've got to say is both my brother and his BF/F (Best Friends/Fiends hahaha) have contributed to the immense unhappiness and anger that have accumulated over this short period.

Betrayal, gossip, lack of trustworthiness, insensitivity, and most importantly, the RELUCTANCE to be FORTHCOMING and HONEST among the CCA "elite" members have led to the current miserable state of politics in the CCA.

I've heard the possibility of a coup to overthrow the current elite, and it seems the elite have planned to meet up with the revolutionaries to discuss the possibility of cooperating, or at the very least, a detente perhaps?

I've never stopped believing in the phrase that it takes 2 hands to clap. In the case of my brother's, both parties, elite and revolutionaries, have did some things that made the other party unhappy. But the point that IRKED me really, even to the point of disappointment, was the fact that none stood up to address these issues when they were fresh. So now, old scars have opened new wounds as the politics get mirky with betrayal and fury.

What hit me really, to blog when i rarely blog, was the idea of the BF/F. About labelling a person your "friend" and "fiend". I love my brother, although i barely tell him that hahaha and it pained me to see him going through what i myself went through a decade ago (gawd i feel old). What his experience reminded again was the need for SMART choices over who we entrust our deepest secrets with. I've seen in the case of others, how temporary feelings of "trust" and "bond" have misled one to pour out his soul to a BF/F, unaware of the impending wrath one would incur when the rest of the world (lets call them paparazzi and gossipers) gets wind of it through the BF/F.

All hail the BF/F, assuming my hypothesis stays true, the BF/F is probably safest of all. The BF/F is like a news publishing company, you feed the tabloids to the rest of the gossip- hungry world, only getting into real trouble when the facts are wrong, or... when you disclose news that are not meant for the public eye. Yet many a time, the less discerning public give no thought to the workings of the press or BF/F.

Who should we fear the most?
Who should we trust?
Who should we label enemies, and friends?

Why should there be a need to closely categorize when in fact there might be a larger force uncontrollable to us that is shaping the workings of a friendship?

And so here's a post dedicated to my brother especially (: dear bro, its not hard to find friends along in life, but its not easy to find friends that will stick by you and stab you in the front. Don't hesitate to humble yourself when you are wrong, because that is a value often forgotten but much needed in dealing with matters concerning another. Remember the teachings of the Buddha and conduct your body, speech and mind with compassion and wisdom. Anger never solves the problem, and more often than not, it becomes the problem. Speak with awareness of the consequences, and remember--- "Emptiness-- what is ego?" (:
And to my dearest babes reading this post, once again I am grateful for having earned your friendships, in full trust and knowledge that I can grow and improve as a person under your truthful advices and criticisms. I love you all and although we rarely meet, I feel your presence! hugs.

>> Renny... << posted at 12:55 AM

~ Photos ~

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Paris photos uploaded on flickr. Link here. I'd link it here directly but I'm too lazy to do it and I don't think I have the time. And of course this is only ~1% of all the photos I took.

>> natsyka << posted at 2:21 AM

~ A Different Message ~

I miss you. Not prata, not chicken rice, not my family (although that one got a bit la). I miss the feeling that should I feel lost, there will be someone I can call. I miss having someone who can complete my sentences before I finish them (referring to she she, 'cause she's the only person who does that on a regular basis, heh). I miss, most of all, people who understand me.

Addendum: Not that I'm not having fun. I just can't stand some people here.

>> natsyka << posted at 1:25 AM

~ a msg from beks ~

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

beks says she will be away on a church camp in batam from today to friday!!!! :D

>> Anonymous << posted at 10:27 AM

~ My results ~

Friday, June 6, 2008

Wanted to share my results cos they really are a huge improvement from last sem!!!! *grins* I got 1A, 3 B+ and 1 B-. So happy!!!

>> xianxian << posted at 10:29 PM