~ its a new beginning ~

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Sitting on the back of the lorry with the wind blowing in my face, I found the solution to the sticky little problem that I had earlier on.

Tomorrow's gna be a fresh new start.

Congratulate me girls, I think I've solved (or rather, on the way to solving) whatever that has been bothering me for quite some time. (: 

>> Anonymous << posted at 4:09 AM

~ ): part 2 ~

Friday, May 30, 2008

This sucks. i tell myself not to care. but i cant help caring. i seem not affected. but deep down inside, its the opposite. i say i wna ignore him and not talk to him. but somehow, a part of me still hopes that he will talk to me. And he did. I tell myself that i should not ask him whats up and just ignore him. but i still cant help but feel... happy when just a simple 'hello' popped up on msn. I tell myself not to change or do anything for him, but slowly, gradually, i feel myself changing. and something tells me its cuz of him. In a small way, maybe i should be grateful that he appeared. He made me more confident and more willing to try new stuffs i guess (though i must say hall had a bigger role haha). sigh. this sucks. ohwells i am not gg to think abt it anymore. 

I resolve to stop liking him ASAP.

wish me luck girls. 

>> Anonymous << posted at 2:43 AM

~ ): ~

Thursday, May 29, 2008

it hurts to see your trust in someone betrayed.

>> Anonymous << posted at 6:28 PM

~ Adieu! ~

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


In eight hours, I should be on the plane to London, and from there, it’s just a hop, skip and jump to Paris. The thought of being in a foreign city, mostly alone, is both scary and exciting at the same time.

I’ll try to take pictures and update regularly so you know that I’m still alive (heh). And just to let you know, yours truly is so lazy she hasn’t planned her itinerary, so wherever she goes will be on a day-to-day basis.

Then on the first day of the new month, it’s Lyon, the (supposedly) gastronomic capital of France. And that’s when the real fun starts. (And everything is planned for me so I don’t have to rack my brains.)

Oh, and NUS peeps, good luck for friday.


P.S. My home connection is still dead. Urgh.

>> natsyka << posted at 3:32 PM

~ Goodbye My Lover ~

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

hey girls, just wanna share with y'all the rush of emotions i felt just a moment ago when i was listening to the radio. Muttons at midnight (Perfect 10) was on, I just hung up with angchor as he was exhausted after a whole day of work and socializing with guests.

I remotely recalled myself feeling an ironic mix of disappointment and understanding towards his fatigue. Dedication time was on at that moment and then I heard Muttons (the DJs) reading out an sms written by a guy dedicating James Blunt's "Goodbye My Lover" to his girlfriend.

Before I went,"Oh another messy breakup" , the next moment the Muttons read out the reason for the dedication:

The boy was dedicating "Goodbye My Lover" to his girlfriend that just, died of cancer.

Dont ask me why I felt the heartbreak for him, but I bet its not even half as painful as what he was experiencing now. I can only imagine how painful it is to lose someone that you loved, be it your lover, parents or close friend. I can only imagine,... that the pain is big enough to kill you, to suffocate you, to drown you. My pain was nothing.

For now, I mourn and tear for this loving boyfriend, the Szechuan victims, the Myanmar lost lives, and for the silent pleas that will never be heard.

Bless them.

Goodbye My Lover

Did I disappoint you or let you down?

Should I be feeling guilty or let the judges frown?

'Cause I saw the end before we'd begun,

Yes I saw you were blinded and I knew I had won.

So I took what's mine by eternal right.

Took your soul out into the night.

It may be over but it won't stop there,

I am here for you if you'd only care.

You touched my heart you touched my soul.

You changed my life and all my goals.

And love is blind and that I knew when,

My heart was blinded by you.

I've kissed your lips and held your hand.

Shared your dreams and shared your bed.

I know you well,

I know your smell.

I've been addicted to you.[x2]

Goodbye my lover.

Goodbye my friend.

You have been the one.

You have been the one for me.

I am a dreamer and when i wake,

You can't break my spirit - it's my dreams you take.

And as you move on, remember me,

Remember us and all we used to be

I've seen you cry,

I've seen you smile.

I've watched you sleeping for a while.

I'd be the father of your child.

I'd spend a lifetime with you.

I know your fears and you know mine.

We've had our doubts but now we're fine,

And I love you,

I swear that's true.

I cannot live without you.[x2]

Goodbye my lover.

Goodbye my friend.

You have been the one.

You have been the one for me.

And I still hold your hand in mine.

In mine when I'm asleep.

And I will bare my soul in time,

When I'm kneeling at your feet.

Goodbye my lover.

Goodbye my friend.

You have been the one.

You have been the one for me.

I'm so hollow, baby, I'm so hollow.

I'm so, I'm so, I'm so hollow.

I'm so hollow, baby, I'm so hollow.

I'm so, I'm so, I'm so hollow.

>> Renny... << posted at 11:52 PM

~ Re: Where's Your Heart? ~

Friday, May 23, 2008

Someone has responded to the video Renny posted in the greatest way ever. It made me cry over and over again, and it is very, very good (and admirable) that the maker of this film used this as a rebuttal to that horrendously cruel girl.

Title: 对"辽宁女4分40秒狂骂四川灾区人民"最严厉回击

Direct Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KtBUgC0XN0k

Below is a commentary of the video I strongly agree with:

By yourvision2000:


我得承认在开始看到那段视频的时候,我真的有抽她两嘴巴的冲动!但是之后听了更多网友以牙还牙对她的回骂, 我却陷入沉思......

我们是否应该用比她更卑劣的言语去捍卫我们抗震救灾的伟大意义呢?或者说采用这种极端报复式的方法是否真的 可以慰藉那些已经被中伤的灾区人民的心灵?以毒攻毒也许有表面的实效,让我们听过后有解气解恨的畅快感,但 是这个行为本身却没有丝毫意义,不管它的初衷被认为是多么纯粹和貌似公义。

二十一岁的年龄原本应该可以自己承受起最起码的社会使命和人生责任,但我们很清楚的看到,这一切在这位沈阳 女孩的身上已经完完全全的失落了!

这是她个人的悲哀,也许也是她父母的悲哀,但不应该成为我们更多人的悲哀!因为我相信每个心系灾区的中国人 都具备比她更高尚的人格情操。她的行为应该受到全社会舆论的谴责和纠正,但却不应该是人身攻击式的辱骂和恐 吓,因为心系灾区的我们比她更懂得什么是爱,什么是人间至情。

>> sheshe << posted at 1:28 PM

~ Where's your heart? ~


WATCH THIS. you will never believe that there are people who've lost more than just a bit of a sensitive chip in their character.

Video on the Sichuan earthquake disaster by a China girl:

here's the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9Bf-lM9Oe4

a MUSTWATCH. you will FLIP.

>> Renny... << posted at 12:06 AM

~ The vengeance of the 哭腔 monster and other unimportant things ~

Thursday, May 22, 2008

These 3 months is giving me a reasonable amt of time to improve in terms of musicianship and i wanna share it with you girls!


1. Classical Piano lessons

2. Jazz Piano lessons

3. Set up my music workstation again (vista couldn't support my previous version of the workstation)

4. Take up voice lessons formally

I went for recording yesterday to sing in what i have not sang since my gigs -- in CHINESE. I was doing it as a favour for KeithPoon who was doing a demo at yellowbox studios. And from what i gathered and experienced in the studio from the engineers as well as keith, i couldn't really emote the song very well.

Well, i have a few hypothesis at hand:

1. Singing in Chinese is a bit different from English.

well, u might disagree (the engineer did) but here's my argument. Really, I think its nothing to do with the nature of the language itself, but rather that I have been used to emoting myself (all my originals are in english yes) in English and all my recording jobs were sung in english (save the most recent one which i had to imitate children singing 世上只有妈妈好). I think the words that i can relate to are in english nowadays, so although chinese lyrics i can understand, they're less... relatable in that sense? Not sure if i'm doing myself justice in this explanation but hahahhaha ohwells! But I have to agree that during the initial stages of recording, I was VERY conscious of my pronunciation (and vibrato, see point 3).

2. The phrasing for English is different from Chinese

And thats why some emotions can be better expressed when u phrase it in a different way. Like... say "你转身后的气氛" (copyrights under 竹子). Maybe I would sing this phrase and accent the 气氛 at the end. But for Chinese singing, 转身后的 would be more accented. Just an example lah, cuz this was what happened XD So when i accented 气氛, it didn't sit well with the producer and engineer.

3. My vibrato/ 抖音 too much

hahaha. i NEVER, absolutely NEVER thought I would actually hear such comments at all! cuz the above 2 points about being expressive in a song is always a common in the studio, songs need emotions, so thats a must and i might've lacked that when i sang in chinese. But I was actually quite surprised that my vibrato was the MAIN CHALLENGE for the recording. I "dou" too much already! hahahahhaha. In retrospect, despite feeling apologetic that my inner singing deficiencies slowed down the recording, its quite funny as it dug up quite a few memories of my childhood! I remember singing when i was young and getting freaked out by my vibrato and i stopped doing it until a started classical singing where vibrato made songs sound better! hahahahahah. But i felt sorry for the 2 engineers and keithpoon cuz i struggled alot muffling (KILLING) my vibrato for this song and thus wasting a lot of time. So here I am consciously putting the vibrato out of the singing, and doing many retakes cuz my awareness in singing (unfortunately) killed the emotions i was supposed to express in the song (about breakup).

4. I never really did 哭腔 before as a performer cuz english songs dont really have much of it

Really damn cool experience on this one cuz I thought making these noises were quite funny/embarassing/sick/_______ (anything negative). It was really funny cuz they asked me to make some of this sounds and i did one (note: the main intention was really to show my disagreement and my lack of ability to make a nice one) and they were like 'yes this is what we want'. so yes! my virgin experience with the 哭腔 monster, you read.

I tried you know!

And so yes, this ends my really random blog post about a demo recording on wednesday afternoon. But a learning experience because this above 4 points have motivated me to get VOICE LESSONS! hahahaha. and hopefully my vocal deficiencies can be salvaged, if its not too late.

>> Renny... << posted at 11:39 AM


Monday, May 19, 2008

IM BACKKK hahaha and up and bouncing! hahaha i must say in a space of 4 days really alot alot alot happened, and yupp renny i get what you're saying! i had a really heart to heart convo with him on friday and today, and i really found out so much more about him then i ever did.. spent the weekend organizing my thoughts, and at the bottom of it all, i think despite all the disappointing things that i found out, i still like him after all. i place my trust in him, that all these is just a phase he is gg thru. he kind of gave me an explanation for some of the stuff he did lah, and call me stupid or what, i am gg to accept his explanation. hahahha. at the end of the day i believe that he is still the same person that i've always known him to be! (: hahah that was what i told him today lah. haha and even though its pretty obvious that he alr has someone in mind, but i guess i just wna be there for him when he needs someone to talk to! haha for now, im not gna think abt whether i like him or not, but focus on bringing our friendship to another level? hahahhaha i also dno lahhh. hahaha i guess i feel more at ease with my self now, not completely, but enough to let me focus on my work in hall! (: 

and OMGGGG can u believe it! when i got back to hall today. i. found. a. BIRD. in my ROOM. omgggggggg. ALIVE SUMMORE. shitted all over my window sill and floor summore. OMGGGGGGGGGGG. i dno to say i poor thing or the bird poor thing. i guess would be the bird lah. the guy who helped me get the bird out said the bird was alr quite weak. stuck in my room for dno how many days. omgggggggggg  rahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :/

>> Anonymous << posted at 5:26 PM

~ i m confused. ~

Thursday, May 15, 2008

nice song, and i think it suits my current emo mood. 
the MV is super nice lah omgg i absolutely love it haha. the songs called 'the way you make me feel' by STEPS. 

lyrics (:
It's the things that you do,
So physical,
It's the things that you say,
So flammable,
You know I can't resist,
Boy it's such a shame,
Do you belong to another,
I don't wanna hurt nobody,
But my heart just can't hold back,

It's the Way You Make Me Feel,
The way that you make me feel,
Spinning my world around,
Tell me how can I walk away,
I don't care what they say,
I'm loving you anyway,
It's the way you make me feel

I'm going to make you mine,
It's not impossible,
Got t9o let you know,
I'm irresistible,
Baby can't you see,
You're the one for me,
But you belong to another,
I don't wanna hurt nobody,
But my heart just can't hold back,

It's the Way You Make Me Feel,
The way that you make me feel,
Spinning my world around,
Tell me how can I walk away,
I don't care what they say,
I'm loving you anyway,
It's the way you make me feel

When I look into your eyes,
Everytime you smile at me,
Oh I go weak inside,
Baby I just can't hide my love,

It's the Way You Make Me Feel,
The way that you make me feel,
Spinning my world around,
Tell me how can I walk away,
I don't care what they say,
I'm loving you anyway,
It's the way you make me feel

havent emo-ed so badly such that i couldn function in a long long time. i hope it'd never have to happen again. im usually able to keep my emotions in check and function as per normal, but somehow this incident affected me quite badly i guess. it was a mixture of disappointment and confusion. i no longer know what i want. even though what i saw wasn much, but in a way i guess it affected how i saw him. a chat with my friend bout him till 6am revealed much more about him than i thought i knew, yet at the same time, i m glad i found someone who shares the same sentiments as me - that he is just a puzzle. an unsolvable one at that. i thought i had more or less prepared myself for what im gna see at zouk yesterday, but somehow seeing and hearing is different i guess. Honestly speaking he didn do much lah. it was just normal behaviour actually, but i didn really like the feeling/image that he was giving out. haha maybe im thinking too much. my friend said it was just 'culture shock'. in a way i still dno what i want i guess.. pretty much confused now. haha. but oh wells. i'll get over it! dont worry guys. anyone who wants the full story just gimme a call yea. but dont worry pple, i'm much stronger than before, so i'll get over it! (: 

>> Anonymous << posted at 4:02 PM

~ Are you Happy? ~

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Hello my friend,

I'm calling you today!

Because I heard that you're feeling blue...

And running away alone, facing it alone.



Are you crying alone?

Give me your hand...

Trust me when i say...

We do love you!

And we won't let you walk alone.

>> Renny... << posted at 11:54 AM

~ GGXX ~

omgggggg i so feel like killing myself now. my msn nick ' you bring back memories and a whole lot more that i dont wna deal with' has gotten my cute guy's curiosity. omgg for the FIRST TIME EVER, hes asking me why is my nick so emo. so i told him lah, like my block head always emo, so this was just one of his quotes and tt we put it up just to disturb him. then he went 'aiya dunno you lah.. dunwan say nvm la' ok i know its qt a errmm fuyan ans but sigh. it was kinda the best i could think of under circumstances (under my blockheads approval of using him as an excuse). haha so after his 'i obviously dont buy your crap ans' reponse, i told him lah. like ok lah my block head always emo, but just nice this quote happens to be applicable to me. then he ask me whys it applicable to me. so i told him ' u get me drunk then see if can get it out of me lo' which will nv happen, cuz i wont even go near him when he is with alcohol (dangerous sia). yeah so i told him to guess. then he went love problems ah. hahah then i changed topic. and finally hes offline. PHEW. omggggg. i feel like banging my head on the wall eh. omggg in a way like its the correct person to ask me abt it, but i cant tell him anything! ironic huh. sigghh. okayss i shall stop thinking abt this. aha this sucksss. me shall not think abt it. sigh see you guys soon. (:

>> Anonymous << posted at 2:51 AM


Tuesday, May 13, 2008


i guess i've been pretty complacent this sem. reflecting on this sem i know i put in significantly less effort than i did for the first sem. and i guess its reflected in the grades. i guess i only have myself to blame. n it certainly didnt help that i cldn't do much last min revision given the chaos at home during that period. well. at least my cumulative gpa is still a 3. hasn't dipped below 3 yet. guess i'll have to work hard in subsequent sems to pull my grades up.

I want to eat ice cream!! cheer myself up. GRRRR

>> rebekah << posted at 10:57 PM

~ Back!!!! ~

hi hi I am back!!! Sorry for staying away for so long....
Anyways I just went shopping at Anchorpoint!!! It is opposite the Queenstown Ikea. And it has quite a number of factory outlet stores leh!!!! lol I bought a new pair of shoes (Charles and Keith) :)

Oh ya! Can give me some suggestion on wat I can learn during the holidays?

>> xianxian << posted at 6:22 PM

~ My Darling Little Girlfriend ~

Friday, May 9, 2008

Below is my darling little girlfriend, whom all of you should know of by now. XD She is sooooo cute and she loves to stick to me. On the eve of my last paper, she came to Singapore for treatment from Batam, because she fell under the Hand Food Mouth Disease. Tons of rashes all over and in her mouth too. RAWR~ So poor thing... T__T

Luckily her condition improved drastically after one dose of medication from a local doctor. Goes to show how competent our doctors are (or rather, how incompetent the doctors in Batam are). I'm just glad that she's okay now. ^_^

(This picture was taken during my CNY trip to Malaysia this year. It was the night with all the fireworks, by the way. We celebrated her 8th birthday. ^_^ )

Also, on the morning of my final paper, my little girlfriend came to hug and bug me again. I could only pay her little attention because of the need to study, and so she came and gave this to me as a good luck gift. Oh my God, she is soooooo sweet and cute and lovable!! I love her to bits!! SO TOUCHED~~ T___T 到现在都还舍不得开来吃~

Throughout the time I was studying, she would come and hug my thigh, look at me, then wander off fer a few seconds, then come back and hug my thigh again, so on and so forth... X3 How can she be so cute? It's sinful to be so cute! XD LOVE HER LA!!!

/love proclaimation



>> sheshe << posted at 3:00 AM

~ Stuck in the Middle ~

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Not fun, but in this case brings a different perspective.

>> natsyka << posted at 8:57 PM

~ Open Ranting ~

Dear Mich Lim,

we agreed weeks ago, a few days after we last went out together to PS, that we would meet up fer another round of arcade plus get-together the day after our exams (May 7), and our exams happen to end on the same day. (Tuesday, May 6)

And last night when I talked to you asking what time you would like to meet, it seems you clearly forgot that we have established such a spoken agreement of a meeting. What's worse, you're going arcade with another friend right after your exam.

The more I think about it, the more dissatisfied I am. Go ahead and club on Wednesday night. Enjoy arcade with your other friend.

>> sheshe << posted at 3:56 AM

~ My Lil Kitten the irony: Metta ~

Friday, May 2, 2008

Look. so cute right? my sleeping kitten.

and guess what he did today?


>> Renny... << posted at 8:10 PM